Dienstag, 3. Januar 2012

a tail about the natural selection in the stumping grounds of a common trader.

Survival of the fittest & the means you have against HFT & superior BUY-POWER and Information asymmetry

sometimes it gets to me, how less informed market participants prioratise there affairs,
well I mean with how much effort most "followers" are out there chasing the news or the hope
for a big mover which comes out of twitter from the guy with the most followers.
Since black-box trading exploded onto the scene and buy-side traders have been bombarded with more and more algorithms with more- and more-creative names to cover all their bases to tap the leftover liquidity.
the times have become harder for the common stock-twits dude or trader even if most have not realised yet.
as it blends in that well with economic problems and turbulent markets.
the questions to ask for such a single entity are not what's the best mover on Google or stock twits?

it should be a compilation similar to this

How much do I loose on average and how to improve
Has my maximum draw down a maximum or am I a bender.
What's happening to my account during a uncontrollable economic event.
What if somebody runs a flash crash attack against locked liquidity "Do I chip in ?"
How can I lower my risk of going over the cliff with the rest of the followers in such a event.
How can I use state of the art technology to prevent trading main stream or to lower exposure