Montag, 18. Juli 2011

CLOSED (against the storm) Cluster calculation UP +2.67% during down market ($JVA, $ZAGG, $TZOO, $LONG, $GSVC, $KONA)

powerd by:

want do it yourself ? go to

| ticker | import_date         |
| JVA    | 2011-07-18 00:21:28 |
| APAC   | 2011-07-18 00:21:29 |
| GSVC   | 2011-07-18 00:21:29 |
| ZAGG   | 2011-07-18 00:21:29 |
| ARIA   | 2011-07-18 00:21:29 |
| REDF   | 2011-07-18 00:21:30 |
| KONA   | 2011-07-18 00:21:30 |
| SODA   | 2011-07-18 00:21:30 |
| GLNG   | 2011-07-18 00:21:30 |
| MPEL   | 2011-07-18 00:21:30 |
| LONG   | 2011-07-18 10:44:51 |
| HK     | 2011-07-18 10:44:52 |
| ARIA   | 2011-07-18 10:44:52 |
| IMGN   | 2011-07-18 10:44:52 |
| ELN    | 2011-07-18 10:44:53 |
| TZOO   | 2011-07-18 10:44:53 |