technical forecast $AEM, $AUY, $AZO, $CHL, $EXK, $GOLD, $HOKU, $HOTT, $IIM , $IMT, $LPHI , $RGLD , $STAA
well go here to get the reports etc
Dienstag, 23. August 2011
Montag, 22. August 2011 breakout finder breakout finder: HeatmapTodays BreakoutsRaw DataStatistical SuccessConfig
sortable score table last 10 day's press head column to sort (The score is the factor of Count and Gain%)
Count represents the number of signals the system created for that symbol
Gain% is the close to close change in % of the next day after the signal was issued
Symbol Count Gain% Score
11 1.815 19.965
19 0.479 9.101
4 2.144 8.576
8 0.510 4.080
14 0.006 0.084
sortable score table last 10 day's press head column to sort (The score is the factor of Count and Gain%)
Count represents the number of signals the system created for that symbol
Gain% is the close to close change in % of the next day after the signal was issued
Symbol Count Gain% Score
11 1.815 19.965
19 0.479 9.101
4 2.144 8.576
8 0.510 4.080
14 0.006 0.084
In cluster today $SUSS
Plot |
Quote | Trading History |
Last: 20.1599 Trade Date: 8/22/2011 Trade Time: 9:30am Change: +0.7599 % Change: +3.92% Volume: 7410 Avg. Daily Volume: 69031 Bid: 20.01 Ask: 20.14 Prev. Close: 19.40 Open: 20.08 Day's Range: 19.974 - 20.37 52-Week Range: 11.20 - 19.53 EPS: 1.812 P/E Ratio: 10.71 Div. Pay Date: N/A Div/Share: 0.00 Div. Yield: N/A Mkt. Cap: 343.5M Exchange: NGM |
In cluster today $LPHI
Plot |
Quote | Trading History |
Last: 7.50 Trade Date: 8/19/2011 Trade Time: 4:00pm Change: 0.00 % Change: 0.00% Volume: 700 Avg. Daily Volume: 252912 Bid: 7.57 Ask: 7.91 Prev. Close: 7.50 Open: N/A Day's Range: N/A - N/A 52-Week Range: 3.20 - 18.64 EPS: 1.541 P/E Ratio: 4.87 Div. Pay Date: Sep 15 Div/Share: 0.60 Div. Yield: 8.00 Mkt. Cap: 139.8M Exchange: NasdaqNM |
In cluster today $GOLD
Plot |
Quote | Trading History |
Last: 109.99 Trade Date: 8/19/2011 Trade Time: 4:00pm Change: 0.00 % Change: 0.00% Volume: 6000 Avg. Daily Volume: 797723 Bid: 113.26 Ask: 113.39 Prev. Close: 109.99 Open: N/A Day's Range: N/A - N/A 52-Week Range: 70.18 - 110.07 EPS: 2.211 P/E Ratio: 49.75 Div. Pay Date: Jun 2 Div/Share: 0.20 Div. Yield: 0.18 Mkt. Cap: 10.026B Exchange: NasdaqNM |
Forecasts two analysis techniques
lates cluster analysis >>>1 symbols
lates technical analysis >>>1 symbols
symbol: RTIX
calculated after close:: 2011-08-19
previousPctMade: 3.604
volume: 784300
avgvolume: 342887
volume/avgvolume: 2.2873
countdays: 127
buyonclose: 3.65
round(ema,2): 3.40
rsi: 83
tr: 154.0
upper: 3.74
lower: 2.90
MACD: 0.12344
MACD_SIGNAL: 0.12344
upbreak: 0
lowbreak: 0
typeofbreakout: +rsibreak+rsi>rsiema
signalPriviousCount: 4
powerd by: (equity analysis)
using (k-means+fittnes+rsi+bb+macd+psar+ema+sma over 5 time-zones)

Forecasts two analysis techniques
lates cluster analysis >>>1 symbols
lates technical analysis >>>1 symbols
symbol: RTIX
cid: 0
cnumber: 2
cscore: 222
lastupdate: 2011-08-19 00:00:00
avg(cscore): 222.0000
count(t.symbol): 14
pct: 0.0062143
powerd by: (equity analysis)
using (k-means+fittnes+rsi+bb+macd+psar+ema+sma over 5 time-zones)

Freitag, 19. August 2011
Forecasts two analysis techniques
lates cluster analysis >>>2 symbols
lates technical analysis >>>4 symbols
symbol: ASFI
calculated after close:: 2011-08-18
previousPctMade: 2.041
volume: 9900
avgvolume: 36751
volume/avgvolume: 0.2694
countdays: 127
buyonclose: 8.72
round(ema,2): 8.31
rsi: 85
tr: 393.0
upper: 8.77
lower: 7.44
MACD: 0.21534
MACD_SIGNAL: 0.21534
upbreak: 0
lowbreak: 0
typeofbreakout: +rsibreak+rsi>rsiema
signalPriviousCount: 2
powerd by: (equity analysis)
using (k-means+fittnes+rsi+bb+macd+psar+ema+sma over 5 time-zones)

Forecasts two analysis techniques
lates cluster analysis >>>2 symbols
lates technical analysis >>>4 symbols
symbol: KNSY
calculated after close:: 2011-08-18
previousPctMade: 4.062
volume: 239800
avgvolume: 48942
volume/avgvolume: 4.8997
countdays: 127
buyonclose: 28.95
round(ema,2): 26.92
rsi: 93
tr: 1276.4
upper: 28.29
lower: 24.72
MACD: 0.61268
MACD_SIGNAL: 0.61268
upbreak: 1
lowbreak: 0
typeofbreakout: +upbreak+rsibreak+rsi>rsiema
signalPriviousCount: 2
powerd by: (equity analysis)
using (k-means+fittnes+rsi+bb+macd+psar+ema+sma over 5 time-zones)

Forecasts two analysis techniques
lates cluster analysis >>>2 symbols
lates technical analysis >>>4 symbols
symbol: SUSS
calculated after close:: 2011-08-18
previousPctMade: 2.059
volume: 161800
avgvolume: 50474
volume/avgvolume: 3.2056
countdays: 127
buyonclose: 18.84
round(ema,2): 17.56
rsi: 88
tr: 830.8
upper: 18.86
lower: 15.07
MACD: 0.51336
MACD_SIGNAL: 0.51336
upbreak: 0
lowbreak: 0
typeofbreakout: +rsibreak+rsi>rsiema
signalPriviousCount: 2
powerd by: (equity analysis)
using (k-means+fittnes+rsi+bb+macd+psar+ema+sma over 5 time-zones)

Forecasts two analysis techniques
lates cluster analysis >>>2 symbols
lates technical analysis >>>4 symbols
symbol: EK
calculated after close:: 2011-08-18
previousPctMade: 13.383
volume: 72367000
avgvolume: 12533864
volume/avgvolume: 5.7737
countdays: 127
buyonclose: 3.05
round(ema,2): 2.36
rsi: 95
tr: 138.5
upper: 3.10
lower: 1.53
MACD: -0.07288
MACD_SIGNAL: -0.07288
upbreak: 0
lowbreak: 0
typeofbreakout: +rsibreak+rsi>rsiema
signalPriviousCount: 1
powerd by: (equity analysis)
using (k-means+fittnes+rsi+bb+macd+psar+ema+sma over 5 time-zones)

Forecasts two analysis techniques
lates cluster analysis >>>2 symbols
lates technical analysis >>>4 symbols
symbol: SUSS
cid: 0
cnumber: 2
cscore: 222
lastupdate: 2011-08-19 00:00:00
avg(cscore): 222.0000
count(t.symbol): 7
pct: 0.1577143
powerd by: (equity analysis)
using (k-means+fittnes+rsi+bb+macd+psar+ema+sma over 5 time-zones)

Forecasts two analysis techniques
lates cluster analysis >>>2 symbols
lates technical analysis >>>4 symbols
symbol: ASFI
cid: 0
cnumber: 1
cscore: 37
lastupdate: 2011-08-19 00:00:00
avg(cscore): 37.0000
count(t.symbol): 9
pct: 0.4196667
powerd by: (equity analysis)
using (k-means+fittnes+rsi+bb+macd+psar+ema+sma over 5 time-zones)

Donnerstag, 18. August 2011
How does cluster analysis work with equity
My daily forecast has 3 components
1) the simplest part is the technical -analysis running over daily quotes ohlc
time-series 150 day, indicators trigger automatic every day
2) part two is statistical sampler for (today,2day,5day,10day,30day,all-time)
3) k-means cluster algorithm which test all symbols as the technical analysis,
to split all companies into 10 cluster and after selecting only those symbols
within the top cluster.
k-means uses a matrix to create clusters
like this [50dayCHG%, 200dayCHG%, %todayCHG%, DIV, M.CAP]
for each symbol
so to make them appear in the list
they have be in top cluster + technical signal
and the statistics must show earlier trades making money
for that combination
1) the simplest part is the technical -analysis running over daily quotes ohlc
time-series 150 day, indicators trigger automatic every day
2) part two is statistical sampler for (today,2day,5day,10day,30day,all-time)
3) k-means cluster algorithm which test all symbols as the technical analysis,
to split all companies into 10 cluster and after selecting only those symbols
within the top cluster.
k-means uses a matrix to create clusters
like this [50dayCHG%, 200dayCHG%, %todayCHG%, DIV, M.CAP]
for each symbol
so to make them appear in the list
they have be in top cluster + technical signal
and the statistics must show earlier trades making money
for that combination
Mittwoch, 17. August 2011
Cluster Analysis 2011-08-18 ca 6 hours before open

k-means cluster
Forecasts two analysis techniques
lates cluster analysis >>>{$clustern} symbols
lates technical analysis >>>{$techn} symbols
powerd by:\t(equity analysis)

Forecasts two analysis techniques
lates cluster analysis >>>{$clustern} symbols
lates technical analysis >>>{$techn} symbols
powerd by:\t(equity analysis)

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